An indigenous women and youth led organization that strengthens the voices of the less privileged with a focus to women and girls.
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We work with communities to unleash their potentials and give space to the less privileged.


To socially and economically empower communities through promoting and advancing gender equality to achieve a sustainable development.

Who We Are

We are an indigenous women and youth led organization that strengthens the voices of the less privileged with a focus to women and girls, while promoting education for all children without cultural, health or gender discrimination and promoting women economic empowerment activities, with a desire to obtain a sustainable gender mainstream ..

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Community Driven Projects

Community involvement in its projects is key…

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The New Dawn Pacesetter advocates and lobbies for Education for all children…

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Social Economic Empowerment

Social economic empowerment programs.Social economic empowerment programs.

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“Leaving no one behind;
Indigenous peoples and the call for a new social contract”
The new social contract must be based on genuine participation and partnership that fosters equal opportunities and respects the rights, dignity and freedoms of all. Indigenous peoples’ right to participate in decision-making is a key component in achieving reconciliation between indigenous peoples and States.
This year as we celebrate our special day as Indigenous peoples, we are happy that today’s theme motivates us in inclusions at all levels of life as Indigenous people.
Together we celebrate this achievement with all our Indigenous brothers and sisters in the world.

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